yoga bob
questions answered
maximizing your bob fun
seriousilly adventures
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frequently asked questions

who is yoga bob?(TM)
do bobs exist in other sizes or colors?
what happens when you stretch bob too far?
why isn't my yoga bob sticking to the ceiling?
why does he have the word CHINA tatooed to his lower back?
how many bobs is enough bobs?
is bob toxic?
how did the bobness begin?
why this website?

do bobs exist in other sizes or colors?

The short answer is no. If you pay close attention though, you'll realize there are 4 different styles of bobs:

  • regular bob
  • regular bob sticking his tongue out (barely noticeable bump)
  • winking bob
  • winking bob sticking his tongue out (how mocking!)

what happens when you stretch bob too far?

He snaps. Kids are more prone to making bob snap. Adults seem to have undergone some socialization procedure that makes them shy about really testing that boundary... it's actually a pretty satisfying !POP! to snap his head off. Try it at least once! C'mon! *He* certainly doesn't mind. Good form of stress management.

why isn't my yoga bob sticking to the ceiling?

This could be happening for one of two reasons (or a combination of both):

  • the ceiling/wall is of of slippery non-stick variety; oooooor
  • (most likely) your yoga bob isn't clean enough
Always try to use fresh bobs for the celing trick. After playing with bob and sticking him in your pocket and fiddling with him, he loses his initial tackiness. If fresh bobs are not available, you can try washing him with warm soapy water (sensorylitious experience!) and then flinging him.

why does he have the word CHINA tatooed to his lower back?

'Cuz that's where he's from.

how many bobs is enough bobs?

Twelve dozen: 144. That's the magic number. At least for a while. That's so you can satisfy all those wearing-bob giving-bob-away decorating-with-bob always-have-enough-bobs-for-whatever-they-might-be-handy-for needs.

is bob toxic?

No. The only danger with bob is the usual danger encountered when you give a small toy to a small kid: potential choking hazard. So keep those bobs away from the reach of kids smaller than 3.

A bob fan once swallowed a whole bob and nothing went wrong. No stomach aches or tugging at his intestines or excessive smiling or anything!

why this website?

It is our observation that grown-ups don't play enough and we don't think this is very healthy.

When some grown-ups meet yoga bob they look at him as if someone whafted something quite nasty smelling under their noses. Their encounter with bob is swift.

Then there are those who are enticed to express a "hmm... stretchy", stretch him a couple of times, and put him back on the table.

Then there are those who understand, and this website is their story.

Or perhaps it's more of a big scrap book of stories and images of how this little yellow fellow has triggered people's immagination.

Or perhaps this is a tribute to the real professionals at play: children. A chance to thank them for being our teachers. Without them to remind us of the joys of being lost in the moment of now that is play, things would be much greyer than they are.

Or perhaps it just is what it'll be and we should stop trying to define what it should be and rather open the doors and invite all big and small to share their seriousilly stories.

seriousilly bobsessed,
claudia & heidi