Cleansing Baths - apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar baths restore a natural pH to the skin and hair, as well as rejuvenate and build up the body's resistance. This bath helps restore acid mantle protection to the skin, which is lost from swimming and from routine use of soaps on the skin. Thus, apple cider vinegar baths help combat "unfriendly" bacteria, fungal overgrowth, and are helpful with vaginal and bladder infections. Apple cider vinegar baths are soothing to the skin, alleviating itchiness, poison ivy and sunburn discomfort. As with all hot baths, it causes the pores to open and aids in general systemic detoxification.

Make certain to use pure, unprocessed apple cider vinegar. Commercial vinegars have lost much of the mineral content and make for a weak electrolyte solution. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium, phosphorus, natural sodium, magnesium, natural fluoride, iron, silicon, sulfur, and other trace minerals which are nourishing to the skin. Use 2-4 cups in a hot bath.

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Source: Barry Kapke, Border Exchange. Massage & Bodywork, Aug/Sept 2000.